Wednesday, January 30, 2008
too much motion
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Portrait-time...need some help here
Erin in portrait mode 2:
I wasn't liking the shadow being cast behind her and decided to try night mode so that I still had light on Erin, but could also try to backlight her a bit and avoid that shadow
The colors turned out a bit different (as if the room lighting was allowed in more), and the shadow is still there, though not nearly as apparent. Still not quite what I wanted.
Next, I stopped Obi, whose photos came out with similar results: the shadow, and then the loss of correct colors to compensate for diminishing the shadow...
Obi no flash mode
The colors get increasingly worse as the shadow from the flash
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Camera settings...pre-enlightenment
I admittedly know nothing about cameras, much less how to create settings to achieve an objective my first attempt at getting to know this camera is the following series of pictures inside of the dorm. I simply turned on the camera, and scrolled through the different modes (from creative, where you change settings a lot, to basic, where the settings are pretty standardized).
Here are the results.
A-DEP mode
M mode
TV mode
P mode
Auto mode
Portrait mode
Landscape mode
Detail mode
Sports mode
Night mode flash.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Emitting the studio vibe

Friday, January 18, 2008
Melty morning
I heard from a great photographer in Barcelona, Pere, that the best lighting is usually at dawn and dusk because it isn't overpowering and it has a glow and surreal quality to it. So after brushing off my car from ice that the snow turned into last night, and heading to the architecture building at 7:30 am, I thought that instead of sunrise pictures (which would have happened way earlier anyhow), I would take pictures of the pryz and Crough center with the fresh light of the morning.
This is my favorite shot of the three of the buildings this morning. Matt said a good photo is generally one that looks good even without the color...this might not be one of those photos haha! Perhaps we will see.
This one turned out weird to me...maybe its the weird perspective, or that it's angled? Not sure. I wanted to capture what is behind me (the trees) shading the building, so I guess that's where I was going with this--trying to give an overall understanding of the surroundings without actually photographing the trees, themselves.
I just liked this shot because I noticed after the first few pictures, there is a bike sitting under the snowy staircase...only in a few places can you expect to ride your bike the morning after a snow/icestorm!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snow in DC
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
This Tuesday night class promises to teach us a ton about cameras, our subjects, and the science/art of photography in the next few months. I, loving to take photos and knowing zip about the camera, manual settings, or anything technical, will surely be more aware than ever before, and I can't wait!
Feel free to check in here, along with the rest of my class and our professor, Matt Barrick, to make comments and just see what we're up to. I'll try to include some info so that you can learn right along with me!
Until photo-blog #1, cheers!